Bizoso`s Harassment Policy ?

Bizoso Canada is firmly committed to cultivating a work environment that is devoid of any forms of harassment. This extends to all manifestations of harassment, including but not limited to instances of sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Our dedication to this principle is aligned with Canadian laws, underscoring our pledge to nurture an inclusive and respectful workplace that benefits all employees.

Harassment is construed as any unwelcome behavior, communication, or action, irrespective of whether it is verbal, written, physical, or visual. This behavior creates an atmosphere that is hostile, intimidating, or offensive for an individual or a group, rooted in their protected attributes. These attributes encompass, but are not restricted to, race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Categories Harassment

Harassment takes on various forms, which include, though are not confined to:

  • Verbal harassment, which involves offensive jokes, slurs, or derogatory comments.
  • Visual harassment, encompassing the display of offensive or inappropriate images.
  • Physical harassment, incorporating unwanted physical contact, gestures, or encroachment into personal space.
  • Cyber harassment, which involves the use of electronic communication to intimidate, insult, or threaten.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment entails unwelcome advances of a sexual nature, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct with sexual undertones. This behavior is strictly forbidden and is classified as a form of harassment within the framework of this policy.

Reporting Harassment

We strongly encourage any employee who believes they have encountered or witnessed harassment to promptly report the incident. Such reports can be directed to a supervisor, manager, HR representative, or submitted through the designated reporting channels established by Bizoso Canada. Reports should comprehensively outline the incident’s specifics, the names of individuals involved, and any pertinent evidence.

Investigation and Resolution

Upon receipt of a harassment report, Bizoso Canada will swiftly initiate an investigation. This investigative process will be characterized by its confidential, unbiased, and comprehensive nature. All parties involved will be treated with deference, and the company will adopt suitable measures to forestall any form of retaliation against individuals who report incidents in good faith.

Ramifications of Harassment

Should the investigation substantiate the occurrence of harassment, the company will administer appropriate disciplinary measures. The severity and recurrence of the harassment will inform the extent of these measures, which can span from verbal counseling to employment termination. Instances of harassment that contravene Canadian laws may also attract legal consequences.

Prohibition of Retaliation

Retaliatory actions against individuals who report harassment or participate in investigations are strictly prohibited. Any form of retaliation will be considered an independent transgression, attracting disciplinary repercussions.

Prevention and Training

Bizoso Canada’s commitment to thwarting harassment is realized through educational initiatives and training. All employees will partake in regular training sessions focused on recognizing and preventing harassment. These sessions will also encompass the understanding of employee rights and responsibilities and the company’s commitment to sustaining a harassment-free workplace.

Review & Communication

This harassment policy will undergo periodic reviews to ascertain its efficacy and alignment with Canadian laws. The policy will be communicated to all employees upon their hiring and will be easily accessible through company resources.

At Bizoso Canada, our dedication to fostering an environment where every individual is treated with dignity, respect, and equity remains unwavering. We are resolute in addressing harassment concerns promptly, ensuring that our workplace remains untainted by all forms of harassment.