Client Data Security Policy ?

Bizoso Canada is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of client data. This policy outlines our dedication to upholding the highest standards of client data security in compliance with Canadian data protection laws. Our clients’ trust is of paramount importance, and this policy reflects our commitment to ensuring the protection of their sensitive information.

Data Classification

Client data will be classified based on sensitivity and confidentiality, and appropriate security measures will be applied accordingly

Data Access & Authorization

  • Access to client data will be restricted to authorized personnel based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Access rights will be granted on a need-to-know basis to prevent unauthorized exposure.

Data Storage & Transmission

  • Client data will be stored in secure systems and encrypted storage to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Data transmission will be conducted using secure channels and encryption protocols to maintain confidentiality.

Data Handling & Processing

  • All client data will be handled and processed with care and professionalism to maintain its integrity and accuracy.
  • Data processing will adhere to Canadian laws and client agreements.

Security Measures

  • Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other cybersecurity measures will be implemented to protect client data from external threats.
  • Regular security assessments and audits will be conducted to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Personnel Training

  • All employees handling client data will receive training on data security best practices and the importance of confidentiality.

Third-Party Vendors

  • Third-party vendors and partners with access to client data will be selected based on their security practices and compliance with data protection regulations.

Incident Response

  • A well-defined incident response plan will be in place to address data breaches, unauthorized access, or other security incidents promptly.

Data Retention & Disposal

  • Client data will be retained only for the necessary duration as per legal and business requirements.
  • Secure disposal methods will be used for data that is no longer needed.

Compliance with Laws

  • Bizoso Canada will comply with all relevant Canadian data protection laws, including PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act).

Security Awareness

  • Regular security awareness programs will be conducted to educate employees about the importance of data security.

Client Communication

  • Clients will be informed about the measures taken to secure their data and any security incidents that may impact their information.

Client Consent

  • Client consent will be obtained for data processing activities as required by law and outlined in privacy notices.

Monitoring & Auditing

  • Ongoing monitoring and auditing of data access and usage will be conducted to detect and prevent unauthorized activities.

Review & Updates


This client data security policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its alignment with Canadian laws and regulations.

At Bizoso Canada, the security of client data is a fundamental commitment. By adhering to this policy, we assure our clients that their data is handled with the utmost care and diligence, ensuring its protection against threats and vulnerabilities.