Conflict of Interest Policy ?

A conflict of interest arises when an employee’s personal, financial, or other interests conflict with the interests of Bizoso Canada. This includes situations where an employee’s private interests might influence or be perceived to influence their decisions, actions, or recommendations related to their responsibilities within the company.

Disclosure of Conflicts

Employees are required to promptly disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest to their immediate supervisor, manager, or the designated person responsible for overseeing conflict of interest matters.

Identifying Conflicts


Employees should be vigilant in identifying situations that could lead to conflicts of interest. Such situations may include financial interests, relationships with competitors, suppliers, customers, or other stakeholders that could compromise impartial decision-making.

Handling Conflicts

Upon disclosure of a conflict of interest, the company will assess the situation and take appropriate actions to manage or eliminate the conflict. This may involve recusal from decision-making, transferring responsibilities, altering reporting relationships, or other measures deemed necessary.

Avoidance of Benefit

Employees must not use their positions at Bizoso Canada to obtain personal or financial benefits for themselves, their family members, friends, or associates that would be in conflict with the interests of the company.


All disclosures of conflicts of interest will be treated confidentially to the extent permitted by law. Confidentiality will be maintained while addressing and resolving conflicts.

Reporting Violations

Employees are encouraged to report suspected or actual violations of this policy, including conflicts of interest, through the company’s designated reporting channels. Reports will be investigated promptly and appropriately.

Compliance with Laws

Bizoso Canada is committed to complying with all relevant Canadian laws, including those governing conflicts of interest. Employees are expected to adhere to this policy and related laws.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to disclose or manage conflicts of interest could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Legal consequences may also apply.

Review and Updates

This conflict of interest policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its alignment with Canadian laws and regulations.

At Bizoso Canada, maintaining transparency, integrity, and trust is paramount. By adhering to this policy, employees contribute to a work environment that upholds our commitment to ethical conduct and the best interests of the company.